Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sunset by the XX

I saw you again, it felt like we had never met
It's like the sun set in your eyes and never wanted to rise
And what have you done with the one I love?
When I look into your eyes, I see no surprise

I always thought it was sad
The way we act like strangers
After all that we had
We act like we had never met

We make believe, I've never seen your face, you neither mine
And catch my eye, don't register a smile
You were more than just a friend, oh but the feeling
It never came to an end, I can't bear to see you

I always thought it was a shame
That we have to play these games
It felt like you really knew me
Now it feels like you see through me

When I see you again
I'll know not to expect
Stay one step away
We will have to wait

When I see you again
And I'm greeted as a friend
It is understood
That we did all we could

I always thought it was sad
The way we act like strangers
After all that we had
We act like we had never met

I always thought it was a shame
That we have to play these games
It felt like you really knew me
Now it feels like you see through me

I feel like this with a lot of people in my life, not only guys, but girls who were my best friends, who now are just someone that I used to know. I feel like there are so many people that I was SO close to, that are just complete strangers now, but we aren't strangers because they knew everything about me back then, and I knew pretty much everything about them, but we never talk anymore. Its sad.
People come in go in Life, everyone is in your life for a reason, and some people will only be a part of your life for a short time, but maybe that's what you needed, maybe you learned something from them that will help you in the future when you knew them? Maybe they learned something from you? Sometimes I wish friendships never faded away, or that the people I loved so much in the past still said hi. But looking back at all the people in my life, I am thankful. I am thankful for every single person that has been there for me at some point, I'm thankful for all the people I watched movies with, or just talked to in class, or had endless sleepovers with. I'm thankful for the guys in my life who I once loved. I don't think back on any of my relationships with regrets, there is nothing I can change, even with the one relationship that got me sent away. I don't regret any friendships I formed, even if that person ended up hurting me. Because everyone that has been in my life, has been a part of making me who I am, and I wouldn't change the past for anything because the person who I am right now is evidence of all the people that have shaped me and molded me. Everyone in your life is a blessing, but some blessings are results of trials, like if there is someone who hurts you, either emotionally or physically or any type of abuse. That person indeed sucks! But they will get what they deserve. Karma is B*t#h. And you will be stronger because of the adversity you go through.
I think its helpful to be thankful, even being thankful for the bad things that have happened to you. It helps me to have a better perspective on life, a happier life. 

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