Friday, March 22, 2013

Times change

Well I havent really done what I thought I was going to do with this blog yet! I created it for posting all the pictures of my travels but I havent found the time to do that yet! But they will come! Promise. Currently I am no longer on my beautiful vacation, I returned home two nights ago. My travels were fantastic.
We flew into London, stayed there for 5 nights, then went to Bayeux France! Beautiful place! Then  we went to Paris! I absolutely love Paris! That was my favorite place to be the whole 3 weeks! Then we went to Florence Italy! But in Italy its spelled completely different, and I dont understand why we spell it this way. Its spelled something like Frienze... I totally spelled it wrong but you get the picture :P Then after two days there we went to Rome! Such an old and historic place! I had a lot of fun getting to know about old Rome and new Rome and I was in Rome for the new Pope! SO AWESOME! We went to the Vatican on Monday and then Papa Francis became pope the next day! Its not like i met him or anything but its cool to be able to say I've been where he got made into the Pope. It was crazy to go into the Vatican museum and see all of the extravagance. It makes me think a lot about religion, and it also makes me glad not to be Catholic. But i like Catholic's I just dont like how much they are indulged in worldly goods and such. It just seems like a big show to me and not actually believing and following Christ.
I have also decided that this blog of mine will be my new MAIN blog! YAY, not that anyone actually cares about what I write because my blog is like not known to anyone... hahaha... but Its kind of like my own "therapy" if you will. I absolutely love photography, I love poetry, and I love singing, and this is a place that I can share it with at least some people who end up stumbling upon my blog some how. I am also very religious, and that is something that I havent really shared about my life on the internet too much, but I have a desire in my heart to really start sharing more about my faith with the world. So just for now I will tell you all that I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints, now that is the very long name, its known around the world as the Mormon church or the LDS church. Easier to say then that mouthful.
Just a cool tidbit about my church-- so you know how the south park creators are making a movie out of the play "the book of mormon" well my church doesnt care about it, its funny to make fun of yourself! But so my church put ads in the playbooks that say So you saw the Play, now Read the Book. Isn't that funny and creative! I dont understand why people actually believe the shiz the play says about mormons... Its south park, parts of it are true but you know you cant believe everything they tell you, otherwise you're probably pretty stupid. And Its also dumb to get upset about our church being made fun of, its just a joke. And you know everyone is entitled to different views and opinions thats what makes like interesting! So live a little and laugh about anything and everything!

with love, Arie

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